PIRE Project Research Thrust Meetings

June 4 – 11, 2018

The PIRE Project held a series of Research Thrust meetings June 4 – 11, 2018. Each of the five PIRE Research Thrusts met separately on a particular day. Thrust meetings were attended by the City College faculty, Ph.D. students, and by European PIRE Project collaborators. The collaborators from Europe, who joined the meetings via video conference, included researchers, industry professionals, and Ph.D. students. Thrust meetings included presentations by the thrust leader, Ph.D. and undergraduate students from the City College and European collaborating institutions, and by European researchers and industry professionals. Each presentation was followed by a series of questions and comments, with additional time provided for general discussion at the end of each thrust meeting. All of the thrust meetings were open to participation by members not only of that particular thrust, but of all existing PIRE Research Thrusts.

The Research Thrust meetings were very productive. All of the participants learned something new, and the atmosphere at the meetings was very collegial. Quoting one of the European PIRE researchers and collaborators who joined two of our Research Thrust meetings, they were “fruitful” and “extremely important for welding the researchers together and enabling cooperation.”